Biotech Updates

Russia Lifts Ban on Glyphosate Tolerant Maize

January 9, 2013

Russia has lifted the temporary ban on the import of glyphosate tolerant maize NK603. The temporary ban was announced after a French study reported that the biotech crop and the weedicide Roundup caused cancer to rats. However, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) rejected the report stating that there was no specific scientific evidence that the products are harmful to human or animal health and the environment. The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) also reported that Russia conducted a safety assessment of NK603 and found no adverse effects on human health. At present, NK603 is commercially available in 17 countries including U.S., China, Brazil, Japan, Argentina, and Canada.

For more details, read the article at