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Spatial and Temporal Activity of URRs of Anther-specific Rice Genes in GM Rice and Arabidopsis

July 6, 2012

Scientist Reema Khurana at University of Delhi South Campus and colleagues cloned the upstream regulatory regions (URRs) of anther-specific genes (OSbHLH and OSFbox) in rice to control the expression of GUS and GFT reporter genes in GM rice.

Results of the quantitative real time PCR analysis showed the maximum transcript accumulation of the two genes in the meiotic anthers. Analysis of the URRs of the genes using PLACE database revealed the presence of known pollen-specific cis elements. The URRs of both genes showed maximum activity during the meiotic anther stage in rice, but conferred constitutive expression in Arabidopsis, which was a manifestation of monocot specificity.

On the other hand, another rice gene (OSIPK) URR also conferred anther-specific expression in rice and was active in the pollen tube. This suggests that the gene is one of the late expressed genes. The team also conducted histochemical evaluation of GUS activity in anther cells and tissues. They found that the activity of OSIPK URR in rice is strongest among the three URRs studied.

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