Biotech Updates

Vaccine Production in Plants Nets Scientist Innovator of the Year 2012

April 4, 2012

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) honored Professor George Lomonossoff and Dr. Frank Sainsbury as the BBSRC Innovator for the Year 2012 for their work in producing vaccines and pharmaceutical proteins in plants. Their research works enable proteins which serve as pharmaceutical products and vaccines to be produced much more rapidly and at higher levels than has previously been possible in plants.

The winners have revolutionized the use of plants as bioreactors and will help make plant-produced proteins a commercial reality. Pharmaceutical company Medicago uses the system created by Drs. Lomonossoff and Sainbury in the principal production platform for a number of vaccines and therapeutic proteins currently in development.

The system has already been licensed to a number of potential partners in the commercial sector including the biopharmaceutical company Medicago. Medicago is already using the technology as the principal production platform for a number of vaccines and therapeutic proteins currently in development.

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