Biotech Updates

Western Great Plains Growers Gearing Up To Plant Monsanto's New DroughtGardTM

February 24, 2012

On farm trials of Monsanto's DroughtGard™ Hybrids will commence this spring in the Western Great Plains of the United States. The approval of this trial was issued to Monsanto following the December 2011 USDA deregulation of the drought trait.

DroughtGard Hybrids belong to the Genuity® corn family that contains drought-tolerant characteristics with agronomic recommendations. For the spring 2012 trials, Monsanto plans to have Genuity® VT Triple PRO®, Genuity® VT Double PRO® and Roundup Ready® Corn 2 technologies to serve as the agronomic trait platforms for DroughtGard Hybrids.

 "DroughtGard Hybrids have shown strong performance in our trials and demonstrated an advantage over competitor products," said Mark Edge, DroughtGard Hybrids marketing lead. "Our on-farm trials this season are focused on giving farmers a chance to see the performance of these hybrids and to give us feedback to help us make commercial decisions."

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