Biotech Updates

Guidance on the Post-Market Environmental Monitoring of GM Plants

September 9, 2011

The European Commission asked the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA GMO Panel) to update its 2006 scientific opinion on Post-Market Environmental Monitoring (PMEM) of Genetically Modified Plants (GMPs). A scientific opinion based on the panel's experience in assessing applications on GMPs, relevant scientific literature, and stakeholders' comments is available at

The scientific opinion presents the scientific rationale for PMEM, including the concept of developing management and monitoring strategies based on the overall conclusions and assumptions of the Environmental Risk Assessment. Examples and guidance to applicants on how to develop and implement plans for Case-Specific Monitoring (CSM) are provided. The scientific opinion also gives guidance to applicants on the strategy, methodology and reporting of General Surveillance (GS). The EFSA GMO Panel proposes a holistic and integrative approach to monitor GMPs in the EU.

Download a copy of the Scientific Opinion at