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EU Communication on Progress of 2020 Renewable Energy Targets

February 11, 2011

The European Commission recently released a Communication on the progress of renewable energy in the EU. According to the report, Renewable Energy Directive in 2009, which laid down legally binding rather than indicative national renewable targets, is reporting to be paying off. "A comprehensive and binding regulatory framework is proving catalytic in driving forward renewable energy development to achieve the ambitious targets that the EU has set itself. The recent high growth rates have resulted in renewable energy constituting 62% of 2009 energy generation investments." However, it also stressed the need for "further cooperation between Member States and a better integration of renewable energy into the single European market." A yearly savings of 10 billion Euros is estimated with such measures. Three mechanisms to favor cooperation among Member States are considered: (1) " 'statistical transfers', whereby one Member State with a surplus of renewable energy can "sell" it statistically to another Member State, whose renewable energy sources may be more expensive", (2) ‘joint projects', whereby a new renewable energy project in one Member State can be co-financed by another Member State and the production shared statistically between the two, and (3) ‘joint support schemes', whereby two or more Member States agree to harmonize all or part of their support schemes. The full communication can be accessed at the EC website (URL above).