Biotech Updates

ABSTC Reports IRM Stable Compliance and Requirements

March 5, 2010

The Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee (ABST) submitted a report to the Environmental Protection Agency the results of the 2009 Bt corn Insect Resistant Management compliance. In the report, Dr. Nick Storer, ABSTC Steering Committee Chairman, said that "While the overwhelming majority of growers are in full or partial compliance with IRM requirements, it is crucial that we all continue working together to sustain these important technologies."

With the re registration of many of the 20 percent refuge Bt corn products scheduled to take place in October, the Environmental Protection Agency has indicated a serious need to elevate comprehensive refuge compliance. Growers and dealers should then take the following steps to ensure that they comply with IRM requirements that include: 1. Carefully evaluate Bt corn field layouts and refuge planting strategies. 2. Ensure the availability of sufficient refuge product choices to meet the 20% refuge requirement. 3. All Bt corn and refuge corn be should be planted at the same time. 4. Comply with the IRM requirements in order not to lose access to Bt technology.

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