Biotech Updates

Australian OGTR Receives License Application for Commercial Release of GM Mosquitoes

November 13, 2024

Photo Source: Oxitec

Australia's Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received license application DIR 207 from Oxitec Australia for the commercial release of a genetically modified (GM) mosquito strain to reduce the population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and help prevent dengue outbreaks in Queensland.

The OGTR will prepare a consultation version of the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) for the application after seeking advice from experts, agencies, and authorities, considering the aspects of the application according to legislation. The Regulator will seek comments on the consultation RARMP from the public and a wide range of experts, agencies, and authorities. The public and experts will be invited to provide submissions on the risks to human health and safety, and on risks to the environment from the proposed release. The consultation RARMP is expected to be released for comment in late March 2025.

For more details, read the license application, summary, and Q&A on the DIR 207 page on the OGTR website.

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