Biotech Updates

ISAAA and DA-FBC Educated Stakeholders About Mudfish Spawning Technology

September 6, 2023

Researchers, fisherfolks, and students participated in the Pinoy Biotek Seminar: Mudfish Spawning Technology on September 1, 2023. The event was organized by ISAAA Inc., as part of Pinoy Biotek project in partnership with the DA-Fisheries Biotechnology Center (DA-FBC), and supported by the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotech Program (DA Biotech).

The hybrid event served as an avenue to inform stakeholders of the economic viability and opportunities of mudfish spawning technology in aquaculture. It also helped raise awareness of the general public on the impact of mudfish spawning technology. The event was attended by about 44 participants at the venue and 209 participants via Zoom. The Facebook livestream had a reach of 5,142.

Dr. Rhodora Romero-Aldemita, Executive Director of ISAAA Inc., welcomed the online and onsite participants and gave the opening remarks. The welcome message was given by Dr. Casiano Choresca, who read the message of NFRDI's Executive Director, Dr. Lilian Garcia. The status of the fishing industry and mudfish production in the Philippines was discussed by Mr. Adan Diamante from the National Inland Fisheries Technology Center.

Dr. Casiano Choresca, the Chief of DA-Fisheries Biotechnology Center, discussed their work on mudfish spawning technology and its benefits to aquaculture. Ms. Faith Loraine Magbanua from DA-FBC shared with the participants how to get access to the tech and the outreach initiatives that their team has done. Mr. John Wilbert Orilla from DA-FBC highlighted the economic viability of mudfish spawning. Ms. Jenny Ann Santos-Ercilla from Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 6 (BFAR6) shared their team's experience in mudfish production and spawning. The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Aljon Rey Catedrilla of DA-FBC and Ms. Clement Dionglay of ISAAA.

For more information, watch the event on demand from the ISAAA Webinars.

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