Biotech Updates

Ghana Pushes for Biotech to Achieve Food Security

December 14, 2022

The USDA FAS Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) released updates on the status of agricultural biotechnology in Ghana. According to the report, Ghana recognizes the potential of biotechnology as a critical innovation to attain national food and nutrition security.

The new administration of Ghana launched an initiative titled “Planting for Food and Jobs” to focus on increasing food security and domestic production of key crops, including corn, rice, and soybeans. Though it was not directly stated in the initiative, biotechnology is one of the important tools in achieving Ghana's goals.

In June 2022, the National Biosafety Authority approved the environmental release and commercialization of Bt cowpea. Importation approvals were also granted to three GE products to be used for food, feed, and or processing.

Read the USDA FAS GAIN Report for more details.

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