Biotech Updates

Australian Academy of Science Statement on GM Tech

December 21, 2007

The Australian Academy of Science issued a statement in support of “the responsible and ethical use of gene technologies to produce genetically modified (GM) plants for use in Australian agriculture and works with governments, scientists, NGOs, international organizations and the community on all GM-related issues.” The statement which was endorsed by the Council was prepared by T.J. Higgins on behalf of the National Committee for Plant and Animal Science.

Gene technology has significant benefits, the statement points out, but the “lack of uncertainty in an environment of manageable risk, should not be used as the reason to postpone measures where genetic modification can legitimately be used…” It concludes by saying that the Academy supports a thorough scientific evaluation of potential environmental impacts before the commercial release of any crop as a result of either traditional breeding or through the use of gene technology.

View the full statement at