ISAAA Webinar: Global Status of Biotech Crops and the Philippine Adoption Experience
December 9, 2020 |
The Philippines is the first country to plant a biotech crop in Southeast Asia and has become a model for science-based biosafety regulation in the region. In 2019, Filipino farmers boosted the area planted to biotech maize. Global biotech crop adoption in 2019 and the Philippine experience on biotech crops will be presented through a webinar on December 14, 2020, at 10 AM (GMT+8) via Zoom.
The webinar will cover the highlights of the ISAAA report on Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops in 2019 including the following:
- global area of biotech crops from 1996 to 2019;
- global adoption rates of principal crops;
- trends in approvals of GM events; and
- Filipino farmers' experience in biotech adoption.
The global report will be presented by Dr. Paul Teng, ISAAA Board Chair. Africa's experiences in biotech research and adoption will be discussed by Dr. Margaret Karembu, ISAAA AfriCenter Director. Dr. Richard Torno will share his experiences in planting Bt corn. Gerald Mores, President of the University of the Philippines League of Agricultural Biotechnology Students, will tackle the youth's perspective on the future of biotech.
The webinar will be hosted by ISAAA SEAsiaCenter. Dr. Rhodora Romero-Aldemita, ISAAA SEAsiaCenter Director, will serve as the moderator of the discussions.
Registration to the webinar is open to all and free of charge. Sign up now at
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