Biotech Updates

2018 IPBO Conference

April 4, 2018

What: 2018 IPBO Conference: "Scientific innovation for a sustainable development of African agriculture"

Where: VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Technologiepark 927, 9052 Ghent, Belgium

When: August 30-31, 2018

The overall objective of this conference is to bring different researchers from Belgium/Europe and Africa who are working on agriculture and/or plant biotechnology. Topics that will be discussed during this meeting are (1) Relevant crops for Africa, (2) Creating new plant varieties through scientific innovation, (3) Biotic stresses threatening crop yields, (4) Abiotic stresses threatening crop yields, (5) Improved soil fertility to enhance crop yield, (6) Mycotoxins, a threat for both human and animal health, and (7) Enhancing the nutritional value of important crops for Sub-Saharan Africa.

The deadline for early registration (with reduced fee) is on June 15, 2018. For more details, visit the Conference website or contact the International Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO, VIB-UGent):