India's State Agri Minister Emphasizes Use of Biotech in Agriculture
November 26, 2014 |
Addressing the 4th CII National Conference on AgriBiotechnology, Mr. MK Kundariya, Minister of State (Agriculture) said that the biotechnology will play an important role in improving agricultural output as land is limited and water resources are decreasing. Mr. Kundariya also emphasized that the government is "committed to working with industry leaders to bring about a revolution in the agricultural sector". The government would work to provide better crop prices to farmers, remove trade barriers and support technologies that are environment friendly. The role of private players is extremely important in bringing quality and affordable food to growing population, the minister said.
While addressing the opening session Mr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Joint Secretary (Seeds), Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, said that there needs to be a harmony in the new seeds bill to bring about positive change. He also added that integration of biotech to farming can revolutionize India. He further added that GM momentum is lost and it needs to be introduced in other areas of technology.
For more details, visit http://www.cii.in/PressreleasesDetail.aspx?enc=m8THZj8dy7vK0mW3WLOYun6rLbI6ZiHLkAuXVaQAd4o.
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