Biotech Updates

Soybean Farmers Call for Faster GM Crop Approval Process

August 20, 2014

The American Soybean Association has teamed up with the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) to organize a forum that aims to communicate the need for a quicker and more science-based process for biotech crop approval.

The event, held in Washington, D.C., last week, was attended by more than 100 farmers, researchers and agricultural group leaders. "It is critical that agriculture let policymakers and regulators in Washington know how much farmers need biotechnology to sustainably produce food for the world's population," soybean grower and ISA chairman Bill Raben said.

The highlight of the event was the talk of Robert Paalberg, a public policy professor at Harvard University and an adviser to different food and agriculture organizations worldwide. He stressed that the state of worldwide regulation deprives people of food by preventing use of biotechnology by farmers in poorer countries who are growing more food crops.

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