Biotech Updates

Expression of Hrip1 from Alternaria tenuissima Enhances Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis

August 20, 2014

Hrip 1 is a kind of hypersensitive response inducing protein from Alternaria tenuissima used in tobacco to activate its defense response and systemic resistance. Researchers from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science studied the role of the protein Hrip 1 in the abiotic and biotic stress in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana.

Results show an improved plant growth in terms of plant height, dry weight, silique length, germination rate and root length under salt and drought conditions in Arabidopsis with Hrip1 expression. A higher resistance to pathogen attack in transgenic Arabidopsis with Hrip1 expression was also observed upon the infection of Botrytis. These findings show that the protein Hrip1, can be a possible gene to be used in breeding new resistant crops.