Biotech Updates

Bt Maize Adoption Reduced Maize Imports in Spain

December 4, 2013

Bt maize has allowed Spain to reduce its maize imports by over 853,000 tonnes between 1998 and 2013, with a consequent saving of 156 million Euros, according to a report titled 15 years of Bt maize cultivation in Spain: Economic, social and environmental benefits. The report was published by Antama Foundation in celebration of the 15th anniversary of GM maize planting in the European Union. The report presents a unique analysis of the benefits obtained by Spain from the adoption of Bt maize. It also evaluates and quantifies the positive impact of agricultural biotechnology at economic, social, and environmental levels.

The report was written by Dr. Laura Riesgo, Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Oviedo and Professor of Applied Economics at the University Pablo de Olavide.

Download a copy of the report in English or Spanish at