Biotech Updates

Discussion on GM Papaya in Canned Fruit

December 4, 2013

On October 17, 2013, the Vegetable and Fruit Production, Pineapple Production and the Thai Food Processor's Association (TFPA) organized a meeting with the National Center for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (BIOTECH) at TFPA concerning GM papaya detected in canned fruit export to Japan and EU market.  The meeting was called to assess the measures in detecting GM papaya exported from Thailand.

The group suggested short and long term solutions to the concerned issues. Short term solutions include the availability of certified labs for GM detection, the test kit for GM papaya and the certification of non-GM papaya by Thai authority. Long term solutions cover the zoning of non-GM papaya, co-existence system for cultivation, and negotiation with trading partners for GM papaya acceptance similar to the acceptance of Hawaiian papaya in the Japanese market.