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Seattle Firms Recycle Used Cooking Oil

May 2, 2013

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In Washington (USA), prominent companies in the Seattle area are teaming up with SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel (SPB) to turn their used cooking oil into biodiesel.

CenturyLink Field, Pike Place Market, Safeco Field, Taco Time and University of Washington join thousands of other Washington-based organizations in recycling their used oil with SPB. In 2012, SPB recycled enough oil from Washington businesses to produce 5.6 million liters of biodiesel and offset more than 4.5 million kg of carbon. All of the oil recycled into biodiesel through these partnerships is available for retail purchase throughout the Seattle Metro Area, and commercially through fuel distribution companies in the region.

SPB has been producing biodiesel out of recycled cooking oil collected from local restaurants, businesses, hospitals and schools. Used cooking oil, a waste product that might otherwise be discarded, is one of the most sustainable sources available for biodiesel production. Biodiesel made from used cooking oil is believed to be significantly cleaner than petroleum diesel because it emits up to 78 percent less carbon dioxide and other harmful gasses.