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African Experts Join Forces to Accelerate Delivery of Rice Technologies

May 2, 2013

National and international rice experts in Africa have joined forces to set up continent-wide task forces on critical thematic areas in the rice sector to stimulate the delivery of improved technologies. Focusing on five themes – breeding; agronomy; postharvest & value addition; policy; and gender – the Africa rice task forces aim to provide synergy to research efforts across the continent, pool scarce human resources and foster a high level of national involvement.

The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) is facilitating these continental task forces in response to the strong demand made by the participants of the 2nd Africa Rice Congress held in 2010, which was endorsed by the 28th Ordinary Session of its Council of Ministers in 2011. The new task forces will operate under the umbrella of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP), a CGIAR Research Program, which provides a single strategic plan and unique new partnership platform for impact-oriented rice research for development (R4D).

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