Biotech Updates

Institute for International Crop Improvement at Danforth Center Prioritize Orphan Crops

October 24, 2012

The Institute for International Crop Improvement of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, under Dr. Paul Anderson has expanded its role. The Institute aims to bring improved crops that are high yielding, richer in essential nutrients and resistant to disease, insects and drought to small farmers in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The focus will be on staple crops that are not prioritized by commercial entities but are extremely important to the livelihood of subsistence farmers such as sweet potato, banana, cassava, and sorghum, among others.

"The Institute is an applied product development arm of the Danforth Center. This is where plant technology developed at the Center and by other institutions can be translated into crop improvements that are safe and effective and can be delivered to where it is needed most. This makes the Center unique among institutions of its kind," Anderson said.

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