Biotech Updates

ASFARNET Holds Farmers Forum in the Bicol Region, Philippines

May 28, 2010

The Asian Farmer's Regional Network (ASFARNET) Philippine chapter, an organization of farmers and interested stakeholders promoting the interests of the farmers through technology, knowledge, communication and exchange activities, conducted last May 20, 2010 the second Regional Agri-Biotech Conference at the People's Hall, Provincial Capitol of Albay, Philippines. The forum was co-organized by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center (BIC), and the Provincial Government of Albay, which also supported the activity together with the Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project (ABSPII), Philippines Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Program (DA BPO) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Dr. Candida B. Adalla, director of DA BPO shared the ongoing research, communication and policy support initiatives of the DA related to agricultural biotechnology which include R&D support on crop genetic engineering with improved traits such insect resistant Bt eggplant and vitamin-A enriched rice; marker-based assisted breeding for virus resistance in abaca; and mass production of important crops such as coconut and makapuno. She believes that biotechnology is an additional option for Filipino farmers to increase farm yields and income, and as a source of additional livelihood opportunities in the countryside. Biotech farmers Rosalie Ellasus of Pangasinan and Raul Careras of Camarines Sur, gave their first hand experiences in planting biotech crops focusing on the benefits and impact it brought to their lives.

The activity educated about 80 participants composed of farmers, agricultural extension workers, technicians and academe on the basics, current applications and Philippine initiatives on agri-biotechnology. Participants also learned the role of agri-biotechnology in biodiversity for sustainable Philippine agriculture.

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