Biotech Updates

New Online Genetic Research Tool Developed

July 8, 2015

A new free online genetic research tool called RNAMiners was developed by a team of scientists from the University of Missouri that will help in studying genetic science.

RNAMiners is developed by scientists to handle large data sets and will lead to faster analysis of genome sequence. This will be important in studying animal and plant genomics since results can be obtained faster. The scientists designed the RNAMiner to be user-friendly. It also contains complete genome of human, mouse, fruit fly, Arabidopsis, and bacterium Clostridum perfringens wherein the large data uploaded by the users can be analyzed by comparing to these genomes.

 By using the RNAMiners the analysis of genomic sequences can be obtained in a couple of hours.

 Details of the study can be read at University of Missouri's website.