Biotech Updates

Regeneration of Pruatjan by In Vitro Technique

October 5, 2007

Pruatjan (Pimpinella alpina KDS or Pimpinella pruatjan Molk.) is an indigenous Indonesian plant found in the mountainous areas. Pruatjan has high economic value because it is considered as an aphrodisiac, it has a diuretic function for treating high blood pressure, and is used as a tonic for good body functions. A study on the use of In vitro technique was conducted by researchers from the Indonesian Center for Agriculture Biotechnology and Genetic Resources and Development and the Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Crops to obtain sufficient planting materials and for use in conservation work.

Tissue culture conditions were optimized in several experiments, and results showed that  the lower incubation temperature condition of 9oC promoted cell proliferation, and plant regeneration was increased at 1000 lux light intensity.  A special basal medium DKW added with 4ppm  cytokinin hormone benzyl adenine was found best for axillary bud formation using bud without leaf as explant, while the addition of 1.0 ppm auxin napthalene acetic acid was used for root induction and proliferation. Plantlets need to be acclimatized in rice husk charcoal before potting in soil. 

See details of the report at  or contact D. Suryani of the Indonesia Biotechnology Information Center at for more information.