Biotech Updates

Bangalore India BIO 2012

January 27, 2012

The 12th Bangalore India BIO 2012, the flagship biotech event of India is being organized by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka, and Vision Group of Biotechnology on February 6-8, 2012 at Bangalore, India. The core theme is India the Emerging Bioeconomy and the event will deliberate on issues related to the latest innovations in biotechnology and business opportunities that exist for companies in biopharmaceuticals, bio-industrial, bio-services, bio-informatics and agri-biotechnology. It will also discuss issues such as collaborative and integrative business models as well as policy, regulation, and investment challenges for biotechnology in a global bioeconomy. The three-day event will consist of multi-track conferences, international tradeshow, vision leadership series, biopartnering India, CEO conclave, bio excellence awards, bioquiz and networking events.

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