Biotech Updates

Notice of License Application for Limited and Controlled Release of GM Wheat and Barley

September 23, 2011

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) is seeking approval from the Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator  to conduct a field trial of wheat and barley genetically modified for altered grain composition or enhanced nutrient utilization efficiency.

The GM wheat lines proposed for testing contain either one gene for altered grain composition or one gene for enhanced nutrient utilisation efficiency, while the barley lines contain one gene for enhanced nutrient utilization efficiency. The experimental field test will be conducted to assess agronomic traits of the genetically modified plants under field conditions on a maximum area of 1 hectare per year, between May 2012 and June 2015 in one site in Western Australia. The GM wheat and barley will not be used in human food or animal feed

For any inquiries and to receive a hard copy of the application summary, please contact the OGTR  at: The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, MDP 54, GPO Box 9848, Canberra, ACT, 2601 Tel. 1800 181 030 Facsimile: 02 6271 4202 and  E-mail: See the announcement at