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Categorization of EU Member States Based on Approach to Biotech

September 2, 2011

Member States (MS) of the European Union follow a unified regulatory approach of biotechnology. However, diversity of industry needs (especially for feed products) and public opinions within the MS result in different ways of addressing regulations. This was forwarded in the European 27 Agricultural Biotechnology Annual Report prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.

Four categories of MS were identified based on their approaches to biotechnology. These are the following:

  1. GE producing MS include the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. They are all producers of GE crops, and farmers and industry welcome the technology;
  2. MS ready for adoption due to the positive perception by the industry and the non-opposition by the public opinion are the Benelux, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (UK). However, in this group no GE crop is cultivated, as those authorized in the EU are not relevant for these markets;
  3. MS with restrictive legislation and hostile opinion, but supportive farmers and industry are Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia and Slovenia. These countries do not produce GE crops; however, France and Germany did produce GE corn in the past;
  4. MS with the strongest opposition are Austria, Greece, Hungary, and Italy. In these countries, biotechnology has a negative image in the public opinion, national policies are restrictive, and the industry is not open to the technology.

Download a copy of the report at