Biotech Updates

Australian OGTR's Notification to Issue a License on Limited Release of Herbicide Tolerant GM Canola

January 7, 2011

A decision to issue a license to technology developer Monsanto for a limited and controlled release of genetically modified (GM) canola that contains genes for herbicide tolerance was recently announced by the Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR). The four-year trial will be conducted in a maximum area of 4 hectares in the first year and 10 hectares in subsequent years in 46 possible local government areas of New South Wales, 28 possible areas in Victoria and 53 possible areas in Western Australia.

The license will be issued after the extensive consultations on the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) with the various stakeholders including the public, State and Territory governments, and related Australian government agencies. The planned limited and controlled release was found to pose negligible risk to people and the environment.

For details on this story and to view the dossers, see