Biotech Updates

Public-Private Partnerships and Risk Management

October 8, 2010

Public-private partnerships improve how the international system manages its research agenda. However, they are subject to risks hence, precautionary, legal and financial strategies, platform-building strategies, and foresight into worst-case scenarios are needed. A survey of 75 projects undertaken by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) suggests that such strategies are not commonly used or available to the international research community and its partners especially in biotechnology research. This was forwarded by David Spielman and colleagues from the International Food Policy Research Institute in Asian Biotechnology and Development Review.

The researchers said that further analysis is needed to better understand the incentive structures that encourage or discourage international research centers to partner with the private sector. Analysis is also needed on the impact of the partnerships on innovation, risk management, research efficiency and the livelihoods of their ultimate benficiaries. Insights must be obtained from pro-poor agbiotech research where partnerships are potentially critical to synergizing public and private asets to promote agricultural development. 

Email David Spielman at for more details of the study.