Biotech Updates

Molecular Mapping of Leaf Rust Resistance Gene LrBi16 in Chinese Wheat Cultivar Bimai 16

September 24, 2010

One of the most pervasive wheat diseases is leaf rust caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina. Thus, scientists are drawn on discovering the gene that would code for resistance to this pathogen. Hai Zhang of Hebei Agricultural University, China, together with other scientists, mapped the genes for resistance to leaf rust by using wheat lines produced from a cross between resistant cultivar Bimai16 and susceptible cultivar Thatcher. The resulting wheat lines are introduced with two types of Chinese Puccinia triticina- FHTT (could cause disease on cultivars Zhou 8425B and TcLr26, but not on Bimai 16) and PHTS (could cause disease on TcLr26, but not on Zhou 8425B and Bimai 16). Results of the first test using FHTT pathogen type showed that Bimai 16 has a single dominant resistance gene (LrBi16). After the second seedling test using PHTS, two dominant genes (LrBi16 and LrZH84) were identified in Bimai 16. Based on seedling reaction patterns, the researchers concluded that plants with LrBi16 could possibly be the new leaf rust resistance gene.

Read the abstract of this study at