Geneticists Reap Improved NZ Apples
August 20, 2010 |
Scientists from the Plant and Food Research in Auckland, New Zealand, are using advanced gene technology and conventional breeding to improve crop yields, nutrition content, and resistance to pests and diseases.
"If you can make a fruit healthier, then people are likely to buy more of it. If it's attractive, then people may be inspired to use it for novel things or they may eat more of this fruit and so that's what is going to drive the consumer and ultimately the guy that is growing the apples is driven by his ability to sell them," said Roger Hellens, Genomics Program Project Leader.
Through the genome knowledge of the scientist, they are able provide information to breeders on how to enhance their crops. Furthermore, the technology also speeds up the development of good, healthy and sustainable crops. The scientists have been successful in developing red and pink-fleshed apple varieties, and a lot of other fruits are in the research pipeline.
For more information, visit Read more about the Genomics Program at
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