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Expert Promotes Biotechnology Development in Nigeria

July 9, 2010

Dashe Elizabeth Sahmit, a scientific officer of the Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC), emphasized the importance of advancing the level of biotechnology research in Nigeria when she presented her paper entitled Application of Biotechnology in Raw Materials Development in Nigeria in Abuja on July 6, 2010. She also mentioned the significant contributions of modern biotechnology in increasing agricultural productivity without harming the environment; producing low-cost and more nutritious food; and contributing to sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

"Modern biotechnology research in Nigeria is largely in the area of cell and tissue culture and agro-biotechnology bias. This is not surprising as the Nigerian industry and the developing world generally depend mainly on agriculture and biotechnology has immense potential to enhance agricultural productivity," said Sahmit. However, she also acknowledged that there are some scientists in Nigeria who are already using modern biotechnology.

The original article is available at