Biotech Updates

Bt Cotton T-Shirt, EuropaBio's Gift to Indian Delegation

June 20, 2008

EuropaBio - The European Association for Bioindustries - presented a t-shirt made of Bt cotton to the Indian government delegations who visited EuropaBio in the first week of June 2008 as part of the third EU-India Joint Working Group Meeting on Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology. The delegation led by the joint secretary of the Department of Chemical and Petrochemical and officials from the Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Biotechnology, Drug Controller General of India, and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry was primarily interested in exploring partnering opportunities under the European Union FP-7 programme and to attract interest in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector in India.

The t-shirt labeled as "T-Shirt Made From Biodiversity Friendly GM Cotton" had its raw material sourced from Bt cotton growing countries. A pamphlet distributed along with the T-shirt says that "Stringently tested, GM cotton is as safe as non-GM cotton".

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