Biotech Updates

Network to Improve Knowledge Sharing in Sub-Saharan Africa

May 2, 2008

The International Fund for Agricultural Development’s (IFAD) Executive Board has approved a grant that will help establish FIDAfrique-IFADAfrica, a new knowledge network in sub-Saharan Africa. The network will connect people, organizations, development projects and programs, and other networks working to reduce rural poverty across sub-Saharan Africa so they can share experiences, mutual learning and innovation for rural poverty reduction. IFAD will contribute US$2 million in the US$3.9 million three-year program. The West Africa Rural Foundation (WARF), a foundation currently managing the Central and Western Africa knowledge network, FIDAfrique, will facilitate the use of the grant. FIDAfrique, has been involved in knowledge sharing, conservation agriculture promotion and cassava industry development among many other programs.

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