Biotech Updates

New Zealand Updates Gene Technology Regulation

August 14, 2024

Screenshot from MBIE's video titled New Zealand’s gene technology rules

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) announced that revisions in their gene technology rules are being made to catch up with the advancements in science and technology, particularly gene editing.

Similar with Australia, New Zealand will establish a regulator that will ensure the health and safety of people and the environment. MBIE leads the task of updating the regulations, together with the Ministry for Primary Industries, Ministry of Health, the Ministry for the Environment, and the Department of Conservation.

The changes in regulation for gene technologies will support the research and development of the following:

  • innovative therapies to help fight cancer;
  • a new type of pine tree that meets forestry needs and protect and preserve natural environments; and
  • fruit and vegetables with enhanced resistance to pests and diseases, leading to more food supply and less food waste.

Similar to other countries, a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will be formed to provide technical insights on the regulations, including regulatory procedures and technical concerns related to biotechnology, genetic techniques, and gene therapies. Aside from the formation of TAG, a Māori Focus Group will provide advice and guidance to MBIE to help safeguard and enable the interests of Māori.

The New Zealand government targets to implement the new legislation and the regulator in operation by the end of 2025.

Read more from the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment and CNA. Watch the MBIE's video announcement.

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