Biotech Updates

APAARI Presents Lessons on GM Maize Adoption from the Philippines

January 19, 2022

Genetically modified (GM) maize is one of the viable options to help meet food security and income needs in emerging economies. However, there is limited GM maize adoption in Africa and Asia. In the Philippines, farmers have adopted GM maize for almost two decades. The Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) released a policy paper highlighting the economic and policy lessons from the Philippines.

According to the Philippine experience, the following approaches have been instrumental in the uptake of GM maize adoption in the country:

  • high-level political support, enabling policies, and continued investment in biotechnology;
  • adoption and evolution of science-based regulations;
  • partnership for GM maize testing;
  • information, education, and communication strategies for public awareness; and
  • ensuring sustainable long-term benefits.

Read more details from the APAARI policy paper.

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