Biotech Updates

Proposed Deniliquin Ethanol Plant Set to Bring Jobs to Town

October 28, 2015

A Korean company, Dongmun Greentec, wants to build the $77m ethanol plant at six kilometes south-west of Deniliquin in Australia. The plant would be able to produce 115 megalitres of ethanol a year, by operating around the clock to process locally grown wheat.

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) released on the project says it would take up to 16 months to build the plant. The EIS also estimates the plant would inject $5m into the economy each year through wages, $1m through the use of local tradespeople and $50m through the purchase of grain.

The EIS says it would need 870 megalitres of water during operation with more than half coming from an on-site wastewater treatment plant.