Agri-biotech Discussed in APEC 2015
October 7, 2015 |
As part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation's (APEC) Food Security Week hosted this year by the Philippines in partnership with ISAAA, the High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB) convened representatives of the APEC member economies to discuss agri-biotech developments in the region on September 30-October 1, 2015 at the Iloilo Convention Center in Iloilo City. The agenda focused on the theme "Enhancing cooperation on biotechnology for improved resiliency, inclusive growth, and food security." According to the APEC, the HLPDAB is "a recognition of the importance APEC Ministers and Leaders place on member economies' work on the safe introduction of biotechnology products, and on obtaining public acceptance of these products."
The workshop was chaired by Philippine Department of Agriculture Undersecretary Segfredo Serrano. Dr. Randy A. Hautea of ISAAA presented the Outcomes of the Workshop on Fostering the Benefits of Innovations in Plant Breeding and Science Communication conducted in June.
The activity was preceded by the Forum on the Global Alliance for Ag Biotech Trade (GAABT) Model Policy on Low-level Presence, and GM and Organic Farming Co-existence, an activity initiated by CropLife Philippines featuring Dr. Stephen Yarrow from CropLife Canada. Chair of the Philippine Department of Agriculture's (DA) Biotechnology Advisory Team Dr. Saturnina Halos reiterated major impact of biotech corn adoption among Filipino farmers' lives by increasing their yields and income, as well as provided insights on co-existence.
For more information about the activity, visit the APEC website. For updates on agri-biotech in the Philippines, visit the SEARCA BIC website.
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