Biotech Updates

Making Biotechnology Interactive

April 29, 2015

A team of researchers from Stanford University makes biotechnology interactive with games and robotics. This aims to help people interact with biotechnology the same way they interact with computers. Riedel Kruse, a Stanford researcher, referred to it as interactive biotechnology. The concept of interactive biotechnology has been adopted in their projects.

By using a Biotic Processing Units (BPUs), the researchers created and designed biotic games such as the museum kiosk which allows the people to interact with Euglena and its responses to light colors by drawing patterns of red, blue or green color in the screen. In addition, BPUs are also used in developing robotic biology cloud lab that has the ability to conduct remote-controlled experiments. BPUs is an instrument that can help in stimulating the biological materials and measure their biological responses.

Details of their study can be read at Stanford University's website.