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Yale Researchers Explore Evolution of Natural Gene Network

February 18, 2015

Researchers from Yale University have systematically assessed the evolution of the activity of a natural gene network and found some surprising insights. The team swapped promoters of a sugar metabolization network between two species of yeast and then analyzed the effects on yeast cells. They found that swapping the promoter GAL80, which mediates a negative feedback loop, substantially altered network activity and the fitness profiles of yeast cells.

Murat Acar, senior author of the study said "We have little empirical evidence about how evolution occurs at the gene network level. Elucidating the role played by negative-feedback regulation on cross-species network activity differences adds to our understanding." Acar added that the study also shows how quantitative systems biology approaches can help reveal key principles of gene network evolution.

The study results are reported in the February 11 issue of Nature Communications. Read the news article from Yale University.