Biotech Updates

Grocery Manufacturers Association Launches Website on GM Food

September 25, 2013

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) launched, a new website that contains basic information about genetically modified (GM) food ingredients. The website is designed for consumers, policy makers, and the media who want to research about GM food. Links to important articles governmental food safety agencies, medical and health organizations, news agencies, food safety experts, and non-governmental organizations are provided in the website covering various topics such as safety, food prices, environmentpoverty, and malnutrition.

"GMA and its member companies will continue to advocate for the continued safe and effective use of agricultural biotechnology to increase the food supply while lowering cost. And we will continue to engage in an informative dialogue with our consumers so that they understand the safety, prevalence and benefits of GM technology and so that they can make informed choices for themselves and their families," said GMA president and CEO, Pamela Bailey.

GMA, based in Washington, D.C., is a consortium of more than 300 food, beverage, and consumer product companies in the U.S. and other countries.

Read GMA's press release at