Biotech Updates

ICAR, Bioversity Int'l Partner to Improve Agricultural Sustainability in India

August 14, 2013

Bioversity International and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) have signed an agreement to improve agricultural sustainability, smallholder well-being and resilience to climate change in India through the use and conservation of agricultural biodiversity.

Specifically, Bioversity International and ICAR will work together to undertake collaborative research in agricultural biodiversity use and conservation; conduct national, regional and global training courses in India on agricultural biodiversity with partners and farmers; organize workshops, conference and meetings to advance biodiversity; facilitate exchange visits of scientists from India to other countries and from other countries to India for enhancing skills in the field of plant genetic resources. The program will also provide technical advice to national programmes in other countries; produce publications and exchange scientific information in the field of plant genetic resources; and help facilitate exchange of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture as part of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.

See Bioversity's news release at