Biotech Updates

Survey Indicates Change of Public Opinion in Germany Towards Agri Biotech

August 14, 2013

Germany's younger generation is more open-minded towards agricultural biotechnology than the general population, according to a survey from the market research institution Dimap. The survey showed that people between the ages of 18 and 29 are more liberal towards agricultural biotechnology than other age groups.

In terms of biotechnology in agriculture there is also more positive feedback from younger people compared to the general population. Even among the youth, only 33% are in favor of using genetic engineering in agriculture, while 65% are against it. However, after learning that 10% of worldwide agricultural crop area is already planted with genetically engineered crops, followed with the question of whether German famers should have the free choice to plant genetically engineered crops or not, 54% of youths said there should be farmer choice. About 46% of youths were against farmer freedom of choice, compared to 62% for the general population.

For more information, read the USDA FAS GAIN Report available at: