Advanced Search: 190 events with country approvals found

Crop Any
Commercial Trait Any
Developer Any
Country United States
Type of Approval Cultivation - domestic or non-domestic use


Event Name and Code Trade Name
Alfalfa - Medicago sativa :
Name: J101
Code: MON-ØØ1Ø1-8
Roundup Ready™ Alfalfa
Name: J163
Code: MON-ØØ163-7
Roundup Ready™ Alfalfa
Name: KK179
Code: MON-ØØ179-5
Apple - Malus x Domestica :
Name: GD743
Code: OKA-NBØØ1-8
Arctic™ "Golden Delicious" Apple
Name: GS784
Code: OKA-NBØØ2-9
Name: NF872
Code: OKA-NBØØ3-1
Arctic™ Fuji Apple
Argentine Canola - Brassica napus :
Name: 23-18-17 (Event 18)
Code: CGN-89111-8
Laurical™ Canola
Name: 23-198 (Event 23)
Code: CGN-89465-2
Laurical™ Canola
Name: 73496
Code: DP-Ø73496-4
Optimum® Gly canola
Name: DHA Canola
Code: NS-B5ØØ27-4
not available
Name: GT200 (RT200)
Code: MON-89249-2
Roundup Ready™ Canola
Name: GT73 (RT73)
Code: MON-ØØØ73-7
Roundup Ready™ Canola
Name: HCN28 (T45)
Code: ACS-BNØØ8-2
not available
Name: HCN92 (Topas 19/2)
Code: ACS-BNØØ7-1
Liberty Link™ Innovator™
not available
Name: MON88302
Code: MON-883Ø2-9
TruFlex™ Roundup Ready™ Canola
Name: MON94100
Code: MON-941ØØ-2
not available
Name: MPS963
Code: not available
Phytaseed™ Canola
Name: MS1 (B91-4)
Code: ACS-BNØØ4-7
InVigor™ Canola
Name: MS11
Code: BCS-BNØ12-7
not available
Name: MS8
Code: ACS-BNØØ5-8
InVigor™ Canola
Name: RF1 (B93-101)
Code: ACS-BNØØ1-4
InVigor™ Canola
Name: RF2 (B94-2)
Code: ACS-BNØØ2-5
InVigor™ Canola
Name: RF3
Code: ACS-BNØØ3-6
InVigor™ Canola
Chicory - Cichorium intybus :
Name: RM3-3
Code: not available
Seed Link™
Name: RM3-4
Code: not available
Seed Link™
Name: RM3-6
Code: not available
Seed Link™
Cotton - Gossypium hirsutum L. :
Name: 19-51a
Code: DD-Ø1951A-7
not available
Name: 281-24-236
Code: DAS-24236-5
not available
Name: 3006-210-23
Code: DAS-21Ø23-5
not available
Name: 31807 
Code: not available
BXN™ Plus Bollgard™ Cotton
Name: 31808
Code: not available
BXN™ Plus Bollgard™ Cotton
Name: 81910
Code: DAS-81910-7
not available
Name: BXN10211 (10211)
Code: BXN-1Ø211-9
BXN™ Cotton
Name: BXN10215 (10215)
Code: BXN-1Ø215-4
BXN™ Cotton
Name: BXN10222 (10222)
Code: BXN-1Ø222-2
BXN™ Cotton
Name: BXN10224 (10224)
Code: BXN-1Ø224-4
BXN™ Cotton
Name: COT102 (IR102)
Code: SYN-IR1Ø2-7
not available
Name: COT67B (IR67B)
Code: SYN-IR67B-1
not available
Name: GHB119
Code: BCS-GHØØ5-8
not available
Name: GHB614
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5
Name: GHB811
Code: BCS-GH811-4
not available
Name: LLCotton25
Code: ACS-GHØØ1-3
Fibermax™ Liberty Link™
Name: MON1076
Code: MON-89924-2
Bollgard™ Cotton
Name: MON1445
Code: MON-Ø1445-2
Roundup Ready™ Cotton
Name: MON15985
Code: MON-15985-7
Bollgard II™ Cotton
Name: MON1698
Code: MON-89383-1
Roundup Ready™ Cotton
Name: MON531
Code: MON-ØØ531-6
Bollgard™ Cotton, Ingard™
Name: MON757
Code: MON-ØØ757-7
Bollgard™ Cotton
Name: MON88701
Code: MON 887Ø1-3
not available
Name: MON88702
Code: MON-887Ø2-4
not available
Name: MON88913
Code: MON-88913-8
Roundup Ready™ Flex™ Cotton
Name: T303-3
Code: BCS-GHØØ3-6
not available
Name: T304-40
Code: BCS-GHØØ4-7
not available
Name: T304-40 x GHB119
Code: BCS-GHØØ4-7 x BCS-GHØØ5-8
TwinLink™ Cotton
Name: TAM66274
Code: TAM-66274-5
not available
Creeping Bentgrass - Agrostis stolonifera :
Name: ASR368
Code: SMG-368ØØ-2
Roundup Ready™ Creeping Bentgrass
Flax - Linum usitatissimum L. :
Name: FP967 (CDC Triffid)
Code: CDC-FLØØ1-2
CDC Triffid Flax
Maize - Zea mays L. :
Name: 32138
Code: DP-32138-1
32138 SPT maintainer
Name: 3272
Code: SYN-E3272-5
Name: 4114
Code: DP-ØØ4114-3
not available
Name: 5307
Code: SYN-Ø53Ø7-1
Agrisure® Duracade™
Name: 59122
Code: DAS-59122-7
Herculex™ RW
Name: 676
Code: PH-ØØØ676-7
not available
Name: 678
Code: PH-ØØØ678-9
not available
Name: 680
Code: PH-ØØØ68Ø-2
not available
Name: 98140
Code: DP-Ø9814Ø-6
Optimum™ GAT™
Name: Brazzein-producing corn
Code: N/A
Name: Bt11 (X4334CBR, X4734CBR)
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1
Agrisure™ CB/LL
Name: Bt176 (176)
Code: SYN-EV176-9
NaturGard KnockOut™, Maximizer™
Name: CBH-351
Code: ACS-ZMØØ4-3
Starlink™ Maize
Name: DAS40278
Code: DAS-4Ø278-9
Enlist™ Maize
Name: DBT418
Code: DKB-89614-9
Bt Xtra™ Maize
Name: DLL25 (B16)
Code: DKB-8979Ø-5
not available
Name: DP202216
Code: DP-2Ø2216-6
not available
Name: DP915635
Code: DP-915635-4
not available
Name: GA21
Code: MON-ØØØ21-9
Roundup Ready™ Maize, Agrisure™GT
Name: HCEM485
Code: HCEM485
not available
Name: LY038
Code: REN-ØØØ38-3
Mavera™ Maize
Name: MIR162
Code: SYN-IR162-4
Agrisure™ Viptera
Name: MIR604
Code: SYN-IR6Ø4-5
Agrisure™ RW
Name: MON801 (MON80100)
Code: MON801
not available
Name: MON802
Code: MON-8Ø2ØØ-7
not available
Name: MON809
Code: PH-MON-8Ø9-2
not available
Name: MON810
Code: MON-ØØ81Ø-6
YieldGard™, MaizeGard™
Name: MON863
Code: MON-ØØ863-5
YieldGard™ Rootworm RW, MaxGard™
Name: MON87403
Code: MON874Ø3-1
not available
Name: MON87411
Code: MON-87411-9
not available
Name: MON87419
Code: MON-87419-8
Name: MON87427
Code: MON-87427-7
Roundup Ready™ Maize
Name: MON87460
Code: MON-8746Ø-4
Genuity® DroughtGard™
Name: MON88017
Code: MON-88Ø17-3
YieldGard™ VT™ Rootworm™ RR2
Name: MON89034
Code: MON-89Ø34-3
YieldGard™ VT Pro™
Name: MS3
Code: ACS-ZMØØ1-9
InVigor™ Maize
Name: MS6
Code: ACS-ZMØØ5-4
InVigor™ Maize
Name: MZIR098
Code: SYN-ØØØ98-3
not available
Name: NK603
Code: MON-ØØ6Ø3-6
Roundup Ready™ 2 Maize
Name: PY203
Code: AGV-PY2Ø3-4
GraINzyme Phytase
Name: T14
Code: ACS-ZMØØ2-1
Liberty Link™ Maize
Name: T25
Code: ACS-ZMØØ3-2
Liberty Link™ Maize
Name: TC1507
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1
Herculex™ I, Herculex™ CB
Name: TC6275
Code: DAS-Ø6275-8
not available
Name: VCO-01981-5
Code: VCO-Ø1981-5
not available
Papaya - Carica papaya :
Name: 55-1
Code: CUH-CP551-8
Rainbow, SunUp
Name: 63-1
Code: CUH-CP631-7
not available
Name: X17-2
Code: UFL-X17CP-6
not available
Petunia - Petunia hybrida :
Name: A1-DFR
Code: A1-DFR
not available
Plum - Prunus domestica :
Name: C-5
Code: ARS-PLMC5-6
not available
Potato - Solanum tuberosum L. :
Name: ATBT04-27
Code: NMK-89367-8
Atlantic NewLeaf™ potato
Name: ATBT04-30
Code: NMK-89613-2
Atlantic NewLeaf™ potato
Name: ATBT04-31
Code: NMK-8917Ø-9
Atlantic NewLeaf™ potato
Name: ATBT04-36
Code: NMK-89279-1
Atlantic NewLeaf™ potato
Name: ATBT04-6
Code: NMK-89761-6
Atlantic NewLeaf™ potato
Name: BT06
Code: NMK-89812-3
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: BT10
Code: NMK-89175-5
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: BT12
Code: NMK-896Ø1-8
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: BT16
Code: NMK-89167-6
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: BT17
Code: NMK-89593-9
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: BT18
Code: NMK-899Ø6-7
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: BT23
Code: NMK-89675-1
New Leaf™ Russet Burbank potato
Name: Disease-resistant potato
Code: N/A
Name: E12
Code: SPS-ØØE12-8
Innate® Cultivate
Name: E24
Code: SPS-ØØE24-2
not available
Name: F10
Code: SPS-ØØF10-7
Innate® Generate
Name: F37
Code: SPS-ØØF37-7
not available
Name: G11
Code: SPS-ØØG11-9
not available
Name: H37
Code: SPS-ØØH37-9
not available
Name: H50
Code: SPS-ØØH50-4
not available
Name: J3
Code: SPS-ØØØJ3-4
Innate® Accelerate
Name: J55
Code: SPS-ØØJ55-2
not available
Name: J78
Code: SPS-ØØJ78-7
not available
Name: RBMT15-101
Code: NMK-89653-6
New Leaf™ Y Russet Burbank potato
Name: RBMT21-129
Code: NMK-89684-1
New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato
Name: RBMT21-350
Code: NMK-89185-6
New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato
Name: RBMT22-082
Code: NMK-89896-6
New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato
Name: SEMT15-02
Code: NMK-89935-9
Shepody NewLeaf™ Y potato
Name: SEMT15-15
Code: NMK-8993Ø-4
Shepody NewLeaf™ Y potato
Name: SPBT02-5
Code: NMK-89576-1
Superior NewLeaf™ potato
Name: SPBT02-7
Code: NMK-89724-5
Superior NewLeaf™ potato
Name: V11
Code: SPS–ØØV11–6
Innate® Invigorate
Name: W8
Code: SPS-ØØØW8-4
not available
Name: X17
Code: SPS-ØØX17-5
Innate® Acclimate
Name: Y9
Code: SPS-ØØØY9-7
Innate® Hibernate
Rice - Oryza sativa L. :
Name: LLRICE06
Code: ACS-OSØØ1-4
Liberty Link™ rice
Name: LLRICE601
Code: BCS-OSØØ3-7
Liberty Link™ rice
Name: LLRICE62
Code: ACS-OSØØ2-5
Liberty Link™ rice
Rose - Rosa hybrida :
Name: WKS82/130-4-1
Code: IFD-524Ø1-4
not available
Name: WKS92/130-9-1
Code: IFD-529Ø1-9
not available
Soybean - Glycine max L. :
Name: 260-05 (G94-1, G94-19, G168)
Code: DD-Ø26ØØ5-3
not available
Name: A2704-12
Code: ACS-GMØØ5-3
Liberty Link® soybean
Name: A2704-21
Code: ACS-GMØØ4-2
Liberty Link® soybean
Name: A5547-127
Code: ACS-GMØØ6-4
Liberty Link® soybean
Name: A5547-35
Code: ACS-GMØØ8-6
Liberty Link® soybean
Name: CV127
Code: BPS-CV127-9
Name: DAS44406-6
Code: DAS-444Ø6-6
not available
Name: DAS68416-4
Code: DAS-68416-4
not available
Name: DAS81419
Code: DAS-81419-2
not available
Name: DP305423
Code: DP-3Ø5423-1
Treus™, Plenish™
Name: DP356043
Code: DP-356Ø43-5
Optimum GAT™
Name: FG72 (FGØ72-2, FGØ72-3)
Code: MST-FGØ72-2
not available
Name: GMB151
Code: BCS-GM151-6
not available
Name: GTS 40-3-2 (40-3-2)
Code: MON-Ø4Ø32-6
Roundup Ready™ soybean
Name: GU262
Code: ACS-GMØØ3-1
Liberty Link™ soybean
Name: HB4
Code: IND-ØØ41Ø-5
Verdeca HB4 Soybean
Name: MON87701
Code: MON-877Ø1-2
not available
Name: MON87705
Code: MON-877Ø5-6
Vistive Gold™
Name: MON87708
Code: MON-877Ø8-9
Genuity® Roundup Ready™ 2 Xtend™
Name: MON87712
Code: MON-87712-4
Not available
Name: MON87751
Code: MON-87751-7
not available
Name: MON87769
Code: MON-87769-7
not available
Name: MON89788
Code: MON-89788-1
Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield™
Name: SYHT0H2
Code: SYN-ØØØH2-5
Herbicide-tolerant Soybean line
Name: W62
Code: ACS-GMØØ2-9
Liberty Link™ soybean
Name: W98
Code: ACS-GMØØ1-8
Liberty Link™ soybean
Squash - Cucurbita pepo :
Name: CZW3
Code: SEM-ØCZW3-2
not available
Name: ZW20
Code: SEM-ØZW2Ø-7
not available
Sugar Beet - Beta vulgaris :
Name: GTSB77 (T9100152)
Code: SY-GTSB77-8
InVigor™ sugarbeet
Name: H7-1
Code: KM-ØØØH71-4
Roundup Ready™ sugar beet
Name: KWS20-1
Code: KB-KWS2Ø1-6
Name: T120-7
Code: ACS-BVØØ1-3
Liberty Link™ sugarbeet
Tobacco - Nicotiana tabacum L. :
Name: Vector 21-41
Code: not available
not available
Tomato - Lycopersicon esculentum :
Name: 1345-4
Code: not available
not available
Name: 35-1-N
Code: not available
not available
Name: 5345
Code: not available
not available
Name: 8338
Code: CGN-89322-3
not available
Name: B
not available
Name: Da
not available
Name: F (1401F, h38F, 11013F, 7913F)
not available
Code: CGN-89564-2