Biotech Updates

35 Years and Counting – Cumulative Delays in EU Votes on GM Crops

July 6, 2012

EuropaBios's Document entitled "35 Years and Counting – Cumulative Delays in EU Votes on GM Crops" is now in their website. It disclosed the current system of GM crop approvals in the EU which has been characterized as strict and slow. The backlog of EU authorization for all crops, added together is equivalent to 35 years, the document says. It contributes to high food prices, undermines the competitiveness of European farmers, increases the EU's import dependency, and creates legal uncertainty for import operators and businesses.

This scenario has been ongoing despite the fact that GM products are being adopted at a rapidly increasing rate in many third world countries which export their commodities to the EU. Currently, there are a total of 47 GM crops approved since 2004 and 74 products still in the authorization system. With the slow pace of GM approvals in the EU, the total number of products waiting can be expected to increase to over 100 in 2015.

See the news at Document can be downloaded at Video at