Biotech Updates

Brochure on Diffusion of TC Banana to Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya

September 21, 2007

"Enhancing the Diffusion of Tissue Culture Banana to Small-Scale Farmers in Kenya" is a publication of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications' AfriCenter that discusses efforts made to popularize the planting of the crop in the region. Authored by Margaret Karembu, AfriCenter director, the brief focuses on the broader context of the project Banana Biotechnology to Benefit Small-scale Banana Growers in Kenya, which was initiated by ISAAA and the Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). The project aims to introduce tissue culture technology to the Kenyan Banana sub-sector to alleviate production constraints associated with a lack of disease free planting materials.  A synopsis of the achievements, impacts and outcomes that the project has generated as well as the lessons learnt, challenges encountered and opportunities for up-scaling the technology are highlighted in this brief.

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