Biotech Updates

Protein-Rich Yam Bean in Africa?

September 21, 2007

The yam bean, a root vegetable grown in South and Central America, South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific is a source of protein and seed oil used in the food industry in these regions. Séraphin Zanklan, a scientist at Centre Songhai in Porto-Novo, Benin, investigated the yam bean for its potential to grow and produce food under West African conditions. In an article to be published in the journal Crop Science, Zanklan reports that 34 yam genotypes were grown with and without flower removal at one droughty location and one irrigated location. Of the 33 traits that were measured, nearly all showed large genetic variation. In addition, the easy spreading of its seeds makes this crop very desirable to breeders.

Email Sara Uttech of the American Society of Agronomy at for highlights of the study.