Biotech Updates

Monsanto Corn Hybrids on Field Trial Exhibit Yield Advantage

October 29, 2010

Results of the Monsanto corn hybrids with Genuity® SmartStax® trait field trial show that these hybrids produce more yield than YieldGard VT Triple® hybrid which is the industry's top triple-stack corn trait technology. Field trial comparisons indicate that the Genuity SmartStax corn hybrid portfolio in 90 to 105 relative maturity days has an estimated average yield advantage of four bushels per acre across Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Minnesota in nearly 4,000 comparisons when compared with the YieldGard VT Triple® hybrid portfolio.

"Even in a year where certain insect pressure is relatively low, these results validate that Genuity SmartStax can offer farmers a performance edge, providing even greater confidence under more typical insect pressure," said Dr. Ted Crosbie, Monsanto's vice president of global plant breeding. "Combine that with the industry's most complete package of insect control and the ability to dramatically reduce the refuge requirement to 5 percent in the Corn Belt, and Genuity SmartStax offers a compelling package."

It was also noted that even with rampant corn earworm infestation in many areas of the Midwest, the Genuity SmartStax trait package exhibit a consistent level of effective protection.

For more information, read the press release at