Biotech Updates

Celeres Report on Biotechnology in Brazil

August 20, 2010

Substantial growth in the adoption rate of biotech soybeans, corn and cotton in Brazil - this is the projection for the 2010/11 growing season based on the first survey on agribiotechnology in the country by Celeres, an agrobusiness consultancy group. Highlights of the report estimate that:

  • Farmers will plant 17.2 million hectares with GM soybean cultivars or 76.6% of the total harvested area
  • A total of 250,000 hectares will be planted to GM cotton
  • Summer corn crop will reach a total cultivated area of 7.6 million hectares or 42% of the total area reserved for biotech corn
  • Total area harvested with biotech corn is expected to reach 7.1 million hectares or 55.6% of the total area

For more details, email Anderson Galvao, chief editor of the report at