Biotech Updates

Norman Borlaug Commemorative Research Initiative to Reduce Hunger and Poverty

June 18, 2010

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will partner to create the Norman Borlaug Commemorative Research Initiative. As part of Feed the Future strategy, the Initiative will parlay research investments to:
  • Advance the Productivity Frontier: A focus on breeding and genetics of staple crops and livestock to address major production constraints of pests, diseases, drought, and other risks to small scale producers.
  • Transform Production Systems: Integration of global technology advances with applied research on conservation of soil and water resources, extension and market access opportunities.
  • Enhance Nutrition and Food Safety: A focus on increasing productivity of grain legumes, reducing mycotoxin contamination of staples, biofortification of staple crops and increasing availability of animal source foods to improve dietary diversity and health, particularly in women and children.

Research efforts will find solutions to problems faced by smallholder farm families in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Research partners will be with U.S. universities, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, the private sector, and research organizations in developing countries.

Details of the Initiative are available at